Dongsu Jang
- homepage:
- email: iolo at kakao dot com
- phone: +82-10-2531-xxxx
- location: Jeju-si, Jeju-do, South Korea
APPLE ][+ Kid, Fool-stack software engineer from Desktop, Mobile, Web Frontend to Backend, and Data Engineering.
- 2023.06- Founder & Solitary Programmer, SooSooTech
- 2018.08-2023.04 CTO, Fastcampus, became Day1 Company
- Fastcampus: online/offline/mixed education services for personal customers
- Fastcampus for Business: online education services for enterprise customers
-,, multiligual(korean, japanese, english) online education services
- online/offline/mixed education services with LMS, and career management, recruiting
- and 10+ various online education services
- 2017.04-2018.06 Tech Lead, Lezhin Entertainment
- Lezhin Comics: a multilingual(korean, japanese, english) webtoon web & mobile service
- 2014.01-2017.04 Tech Lead & S. Engineer, Daum Communications, became Kakao
- Log pipelines for Daum Cafe
- Open Comment platform for Daum and Kakao services
- Tistory Mobile for Android with WYSIWYG content editor
- 2010.03-2013.03 Tech Lead & S. Engineer, KT Hitel, became KT Alpha
- Appspresso: hybrid mobile application platform and SDK
- I'm In: location based social media web & mobile service
- PuddingFace Mobile for iOS(International) and Android
- 2007.05-2009.10 Tech Lead & S. Engineer, Thinkfree, became Hancom
- Thinkfree Office Live: web-based office productivity application suite similar to Google Drive and Microsoft Office 365 nowadays.
- and so on...
- Java, Kotlin, Spring, Tomcat, ...
- JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Knex, ...
- Next.js, Nuxt for SSR
- React, Vue, Angular for SPA
- AWS, GCP Cloud Infrastructures
- MySQL, Oracle, Informix, and Mongodb Databases
- Hadoop, HBase, Spark and Elasticsearch for Log Pipelines
- Android, iOS, and Hybrid for Mobile App Development
- Swing, SWT, Eclipse RCP for Java Desktop Application Development
- GTK, Motif for Linux Desktop Application Development
- MFC, Win32, DirectX for Windows Desktop Application Development
- and...
- APPLE ][+ BASIC, 6502 Assembly, UCSD Pascal, Turbo Pascal, BDS-C, ...
- GW-BASIC, 80x86 Assembly, dBASE, Clipper, Lattice C, RM COBOL, WATFOR-77, Turbo C, Borland C++, Delphi, Visual C++, Visual Basic, ...
and You can find me on:

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